Book Dan

Dan Geltrude is a business aficionado that is available for media opportunities as well as personal appearances and speaking engagements.  Please click CONTACT to make arrangements.


Dan is a true media personality that is very comfortable in front of the camera and excels at delivering pithy comments and well-timed sound bites. He has also participated in debates with lively, yet civil, exchanges with other guests. Dan is available to appear live or taped in the studio or via skype.


Whether an interview format or an interactive segment, Dan has extensive experience on the radio.  His commentaries and opinions are very well received by listening audiences.


If you seek a quote from an expert to enhance a news article, Dan can provide you with his insight in a clear and concise manner that will capture the reader’s interest.


When an organization is looking for a speaker to provide information or to participate in a panel discussion, Dan is among the very best for this environment.


The most important aspect of formal gatherings is the keynote speech. Dan is an extremely engaging public speaker that is able to deeply connect with a live audience. His mix of humor, personal experiences and emotional appeal makes him a highly desirable speaker.


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